วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Natural cancer treatment

Finding reliable information on natural treatment of cancer requires a lot of careful research. This is not because there are so few available, but because there are so many. In addition, research by this, what I call the 'hidden agenda' of some sources of information to be complicated. I know this firsthand experience. Treatment of cancer is one of the most contentious issues in health care and the battle lines have shifted significantly inthe last 100 years.

First, because a natural treatment of cancer? Non-traditional medical care function effectively? Well, that is, that you choose depends to believe. According to sources the general medical, cancer is a disease that is not yet fully understood, and to date can not be cured. It may be, however, "managed" by a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, especially if they are detected early and treated in time.

Alternative Health Researchtell a different story, though. They say that the treatments currently approved not only inappropriate, they are often dangerous. For example, Professor Hardin Jones, Ph.D. said: "My studies have shown that cancer patients treated are treated to live up to four times longer than humans. When one has cancer and decides not to have nothing to do, will live longer and feel better if exposed to radiation, chemotherapy or surgery, except when used in directlife-threatening situations. "(1956 Transactions of the New York Academy of Medical Sciences, vol. 6.)

I said that this is a controversial issue, especially for those who choose to undergo treatment for the face. So, here is something to consider. What treatment do you think a doctor would have voted for its treatment staff? Researchers at the McGill Cancer Center (Canada) surveyed 118 doctors to determine all experts on lung cancer, trust in themtherapies recommending to their patients. For the survey, doctors said they think she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Was asked what were the six current experimental therapies they choose.

Sixty-four of seventy-nine doctors, the survey (75%) returned they would agree to a treatment with cis-platinum, being one of the common chemotherapy drugs they have on their patients. Moreover,Fifty-eight of the respondents believed that not all the experimental therapies that are acceptable during the investigation because of their inefficiency and the high degree of toxicity of chemotherapy. (Reported by Philip Day, in his book "Cancer: Why are there still Dying To Know The Truth, Credence Publications, 2000)

What do these doctors know that they tell their patients? Maybe they did their own research and discovered the same thing learned Dr. Allen Levin."Most cancer patients in this country, because the chemotherapy has a cure for breast, colon or lung cancer. This is more than a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy was documented to fight these tumors. " (The Healing of Cancer by Allen Levin, MD, UCSF, Marcus Books, 1990).

If the standard protocols are in fact dangerous to health, what options do you have? Well, fortunately, today, because the Internet you can find a lotInformation that had been suppressed for many years. It is now possible on the lives of many brave pioneers in medicine, knowing the alternative text outside the mainstream, industry funded limited discovery, and natural treatments and effective cures for cancer.

However, I stress that you dig too deep to get the real story, because many of these men and women, have been criticized and discredited because their work is a threat to the pharmaceutical industry PoznanIndustry patented treatments. Have, in fact, when deciding on a treatment for cancer, you need to sort the facts the hype on both sides.

Some of the most effective natural treatments for cancer research of Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize in 1931 for the discovery of the pioneering role of oxygen in the treatment of cancer. He is quoted as saying in his lectures: "All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - aRule without exception. "He also warned:" depriving a cell of 35% oxygen for 48 hours, and can become cancerous. "

This important result greatly broadened the scope of treatment with oxygen, which dates from the early nineteenth century. However, supporters of the necessary oxygen therapy, many obstacles to the provision of effective treatment of cancer in the United States. The biggest obstacle is the control of the medical professions, which consists of expensive clinical trials before anyThe therapy is approved. Of course, any proposed therapy should be carefully studied. However, the cost of the tests currently required, the hundreds of millions of dollars amounts may be sure that only patented pharmaceutical treatments will always be the resources required for admission.

For this reason, you must register for countries that find greater freedom in choices of health care, such as oxygen therapy can be used with great success are looking for. For example: "At the Hospital SantaMonica (in Mexico), we have to do with the pioneering work in the administration of hydrogen peroxide with cancer and other diseases. Our doctors are more than 40,000 infusions of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), administered intravenously and are thousands of patients treated with oral doses. Other hospitals offer alternative treatment for cancer are now regularly using hydrogen peroxide, and some doctors in the United States are experiencing. "(Alternatives in Cancer Therapy, by Ross Pelton, Ph.D.)

For thosemust choose a treatment of the tumor within a strict regulatory environment conducive to the good news is that some forms of oxygen therapy can be self-administered without the need for a prescription at home. There are sources of information, advice and support for those who choose to explore this well-documented to provide, and the test time, natural cancer treatment.

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