วันศุกร์ที่ 8 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How can we discover that we are able to thyroid?

People who notice unusual in the lump in the throat, you should see a doctor in a short time to see if the node is a malignant tumor or benign. In addition, the physician that the patient through a simple examination of the neck can be considered and you can even make a correct diagnosis by laboratory tests specific to the role of thyroid function also pay to be determined. Another way to describe how the tumor has grown, is the staging of cancer.For example, a test of the more common and tends to be quite effective is a nuclear medicine study with radioactive iodine. This test can easily be found, the formation of nodes of the thyroid and in this way, a node can appear as "hot" in the sense that a large amount of radioactivity and "cold" when it is not too much iodine. Both nodes are Waiting Bening, with the exception of "cold" form which can be malignant in 15-20% of cases.

In addition, the thyroidCapacity to spread and invasion of different parts of the throat, also impacts on adjacent structures in the neck. Could influence the most common cancers, including extensions of the trachea and esophagus, lymph nodes, lymphatic spread of the production of a jugular vein and the super-node lymoh and more can reach the tumor, which lumph nodes in the chest.

It 'important to note that in some cases can affect the thyroid ot only the areas around the neck as the lymph nodes, butcan also spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. This trip means the cancer to other organs, such as metastasis, and although this form is very rare, can be very difficult because of the possibility of lung and bone. In addition, the very staging system for describing the extent of the disease that is both the thyroid itself and the neck. Moreover, using the staging system to describe thyroid tumors, the TNM system and serves to identify anddescriebe various types of cancer. The TNM system includes 3 components: T-exploitation of the primary "tumor extended; N-LYMP description of the spread of the M-node, describing the spread to other organs.

In conclusion, patients suffering from thyroid cancer, the ability to detect, stage and extend their sympathy to the various tests and in this way, the doctor may prescriebe the proper treatment.

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