วันอังคารที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chronotherapy Helps Lung Cancer Patient in recovery

Margaret Olszówka with lung cancer in New Years Eve, 2002 diagnosis. The prognosis is very sad: his disease had progressed to Stage 4 and was unusable. Doctors at a hospital very famous university town said there was nothing he could do for them. You did not even offer chemotherapy as an option, she was told she had months to live. But instead of giving up, decided that he would fight the disease, and eventually found their way to cancer specialist, Keith Block, MD,Chronotherapy get where they are planning as part of their treatment. Today you are doing well and enjoying his two children and six grandchildren. He wants to know the world about the role of chronotherapy in their survival, in the hope of playing for the help of other cancer patients.

What is chronotherapy?

Chronotherapy takes into account effects such as the natural rhythms of our body, our ability to process drugs. Patterns, such as sleep disturbances, menstrual cycle, even our physical response toChanging of the seasons are different for everyone. In the old days we called biorhythms. Today, doctors found that understanding a patient's biorhythms and coordinate the time of their medical treatment to these biological rhythms can significantly affect the outcome of treatments. This is called "chronotherapy.

"Every drug has an optimal time when there are less toxic and more effective." Said Keith Block, MD, Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed journal Integrative CancerTherapy, and Clinical Professor, Department of Medical Education at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago (UIC), and the Department of Pharmacology. For the treatment of cancer, it depends on several factors, including the biological uniqueness of the particular date particular drug is currently the particular type of tumor cells to divide as healthy cells when the patient generally divide at least the patient's circadian clock and individualRest-activity cycles, and even the time zone the person resides inside "

According to Dr. Michael Smolensky, co-author of The Body Clock Guide to Better Health "When anticancer drugs are given in chronobiological manner, patients can tolerate a higher position, stronger in other ways that patients would be possible. "

"This type of administration of chemotherapy is revolutionary and has demonstrated in large randomized trials its potential to improve survival," says Dr.Block. "We found that patients often chronotherapy reduce what would have been recurring side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue. This is important because it can cause the weakening caused by chemotherapy patients reduce or even care, or help overcome their battle against cancer to stop. "

Chronotherapy is widely sought after in the world:

There are more than 62,000 references in PubMed (National Institutes of Health ArchiveBiomedical and newspaper articles of living) on chronobiology (such as biology is influenced by the time they are) and more than 500 scientific articles on specific chronotherapy. The office of the National Cancer Institute of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) devotes an entire webcast for doctors on chronotherapy.

So why not broader chronotherapy?

One of the biggest problems was to find out the logistics - to provide just in time, as the doses of chemotherapy."Portable infusion pumps may have the answer," said Gerald Sokol, MD, an oncologist with the Department of Oncology Center FDA's Drug Evaluation and Research.

Dr. Block is a technology to the United States who administer chemotherapy through a pump in a short time up to four channels simultaneously brought an infusion designed to meet the individual needs of patients. Portable, small enough to fit into a pouch, patients are able to achieve full mobility, sports,and enjoy a sleep all night - during their time specific cancer therapy.

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